Tuesday, June 23, 2009


No, it's not ideal.

It's not what I would have planned.

There are much better ways to give birth.

It makes me sad.

It's one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.


So, at this point you are probably asking, "Why?" Either with a judgy tone or just a curious one.

Well, the full answer to that question is one that I have only shared with a very, very small number of people (many of whom are/were my medical care providers.) Even though I'm all for honesty and information, the subject matter behind the "Whys" of us choosing a C-section instead of the completely drug-free, vaginal birth we had wanted are going to be very vague with those I have not already had lengthy conversations with.

To make a long, private and frustrating story less overwhelming - I'll just say that there were certain things that either just happened or were physically done to me after Soren's birth that have left me forever changed. In choosing a C-section, I am mitigating trauma to my birth canal so as to not make matters even worse. In choosing to tell many of my friends about this decision via my blog, I am mitigating awkward conversations, questions, etc.

As most of you know, I am a HUGE advocate of natural childbirthing. My mom and all of my aunts had their children without the use of any drugs and I was brought up with the same convictions that they had. I believe that mothers choosing to cope with temporary labor pain for the sake of their babies is the ideal way to birth. I think purely convenience-based inductions and C-sections are ridiculous and I think they are grossly over-performed in our country. I feel that if more people took the time to educate themselves, we would have much less interventions involved in our births today.

In spite of all of that, I can honestly say that natural childbirth isn't without it's share of costs. While we don't know for sure what the actual cause of my injury was, it is certain that I wouldn't be dealing with what I am dealing with now if I would have opted for the recommended C-section during Soren's birth. As we all know, hindsight is 20/20 and there is no way we could have known what would happen while we were in the middle of it. Soren and I were both fine, so we kept going - that's what we wanted.

I have never regretted giving birth to Soren without the use of drugs and I was hell-bent on bringing this little one into the world in the same gentle way. Knowing that I will not be able to provide my daughter with that same kind of birth makes me more sad than I can express here.

Still, I am making this decision because it is best for me and therefore, best for my entire family. I want to be able to enjoy my newborn and give necessary attention to my toddler instead of possibly having to undergo several surgeries to repair damage in those precious early weeks following the birth. I'm choosing the lesser of two evils here.

As always, I'm thankful for life experiences that help me see things from each side of the spectrum and give me a greater empathy for those I don't see eye-to-eye with. As I grieve the birth that I was wanting with this little one, I am learning to accept my circumstances and am going to try to be just as determined to make this birth a pleasant one for our family. It will do me no good to be depressed about it so I will resolve myself to making this surgical birth as gentle as it can possibly be. Needless to say, I've got my work cut out for me. Anyone want to see a "gentle" c-section birth plan?


Flo Paris said...

I was seriously JUST going to text and ask if you had started telling people yet, when I saw this, and the all caps title (hehe).

You already know this, but gotta make it known on the public forum.. you have all the love and support in the world from me and I support you 100%.

Sweet baby girl is going to get here safely and your body is not going to have to go through the horrors it went through before. Wise decision, and I'm super proud of you for making such a BRAVE choice.

I know despite all that, it's still hard, you will still cry , it's still not ideal. I know.
I know people will still judge and others will ask flippantly "What's the big deal about having a C-Section" and either way, they don't get it.
I'm so sorry.
But at least I'll be there instead of 2000 miles across the country, ready to get you dinner, sour punch, or whatever your heart desires:)

.... and did I mention I love you?!

Erin said...

and i love you too. thank you.

skylana said...

i'm so sad for you that you have to let go of what you wanted and were planning and hoping for. but really the point is for you as a mother to make the best decision for you and anika, and that's what you are doing, so find comfort in that.

i love you so much and i'm sad that i haven't been around, didn't know about this, and haven't been a part of whats going on with you.

ashley mac said...

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know I echo Flo's thoughts...and that i too think you are being super brave. Seriously. Wish is wasn't all so complicated (sorry for that extreme understatement.)

S said...

I love you and I support you 100%. You are making this decision with your entire family in mind and that is admirable. I'm so sorry you had to make that decision, but like Flo, I'm SO HAPPY I get to be there to welcome Anika and take care of your sweet family :) xoxo

Sarah said...

I wept for you when I read this. I could have written something so similar 5 weeks ago- the conflict and ultimate resolve to walk away from the natural birth that you hoped for and believe so strongly in, in order to keep yourself and your baby safe. For those of us who strongly believe in natural childbirth- these are the situations that hospitals are for, and I am so thankful that we have them! I know that this must have been one of the most difficult decisions you have ever had to make. Please know that I support you completely and want to help you however I can. I'm always here to talk and listen.

Erin said...

To all of the amazing friends that have commented on this very personal blog (or written me private messages about it)...

I am blown away by the support you have shown me and I have shed many tears today as I've felt your love pouring out through your words.

Although part of me felt like I should keep this to myself and not share with anyone, I just couldn't keep it inside any more and now I'm so glad I didn't. We women need each other much more than I usually give credit to - and this experience alone has made me love the women in my life even more.

I am blessed indeed.

Andrea Rooks said...

Thank you so much for sharing your decision. It's heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time to read what you've had to go through and the extremely hard decisions you're having to make. I'm praying for you and and eager to help in any way I can...

meg said...

As much as you have inspired woman to think about the option of a natural childbirth, sharing this with all of us will I'm sure bring comfort to so many other women in similar situations. I echo the cheer of all these other women, you are brave.

Erin said...

Meg - I truly hope that one positive thing that comes out of this hard decision (besides a healthy little girl) is that I will be able to advocate for women giving birth...no matter how it goes down. I feel like I've been opened up to a whole other world and am realizing that I can have a much greater impact with two very different kinds of births under my belt. Thanks for your encouragement - it means so much. Really.

Paige said...

Any woman who makes an informed decision about how she is going to give birth is having the right kind of birth. You know more about what "birth" means than almost anyone I know- there is no doubt in my mind that you considered all your options. My heart breaks thinking about what you must have gone through to make this decision, but a healthy and happy mommy is the best gift you can give to your children. We love Annika already, and can't wait to meet her (on the day of YOUR CHOOSING, which is a serious perk!). You mean so much to me, and I don't know what I would have done for the last year with out all of your help. Your thoughtful guidance has made my transition into motherhood much smoother; please know that I am eager to do anything I can to support you in the coming months.

Julie said...

Thank you so much Erin for sharing this with us. I definitely commend you on your decision as I know it wasn't an easy one. You seem like such a strong woman and I appreciate you for always being there for me with all my pregnancy questions:) Regardless of how your little girl is brought into this world, it is still going to be an amazing experience and very touching.

Paige said...

Oh, by the way, I am totally interested in seeing your birth plan.

Erin said...

Paige - No prob. I would like to use the format of yours actually, but can't figure out how to do it. We can talk about it when you come over for curry!

meg said...

birth plan? I've heard of these, mind sharing with someone who has no experience? I need to be educated.

Melody (Bates) Ward said...

E, I am SO proud of you! I know that this was a heart-wrenching decision for you and your family and so far from what you wanted. My heart is sad with you, but I am GLAD that you made a good decision based on your needs and not just your wants/dreams. I'll be praying for ease in healing from the section, for an easy start to your nursing relationship, and a gentle healing for your heart, too. Lots of hugs!!!!